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Outside my window

I had a bumper crop of Marigolds this year!  I’m very happy with how they bloomed and bloomed!

It was also a good weekend for soccer
September 15 and 16 011

and 5Ks!   Noah matched his PR and is running a little over a 7 minute mile.
Noah September 15 and 16 036
I am thinking…
about a talk I was listening to by  Dr. Patrick  Johnston.  Dr. Johnston talks about being in medical school and soaking up everything he was learning from his professors and teaching clinicians.  He loved medical school and the process of becoming a physician until… he started to learn some startling things about vaccines. I don’t want to get into the vaccination debate (that’s another post!) but mainly I was struck by the feeling of heaviness and despair he felt.  He actually asked the Lord to take away the research he was reading and to just let him follow on the accepting and easier path of his classmates!  But Dr. Johnston’s conscience wouldn’t allow that.

I found myself empathizing strongly with Dr. Johnston.  I look back on my life and where I am now and I can see so many things that I did which weren’t on the well trodden path. I wouldn’t change anything and I am grateful for the journey my life has taken, but sometimes… just sometimes I wish it wasn’t always so difficult.

I find this sort of difficulty rears its head particularly on Facebook – you know, where you can be yourself with all of your “Friends.”  Well I have 452 friends from all different parts of my life, almost from different worlds.  And when those worlds collide it can get messy!  I never intend to debate on FB, only share and yet last night I got called on the carpet by a kid who I literally watched grown up!  This young man is now a nurse anesthetist, and after asking me to cite some sources about the higher morbidity and mortality rate of Cesareans over vaginal birth,  came back with:

All studies have limitations. I’m sure I can find a study to support any side of any argument, but being someone who is trained to read and interpret literature, I never listen to anyone or change my opinions unless I read the study myself, see many multicenter randomized controlled
Trials that can be replicated many times in many studies. I especially get irritated when non medical people make interpretations of medical studies and make blanket statements. Sorry if I seem harsh…

I get irritated when people ask for sources (like this one) and and then refuse to read them.  I also get irritated when someone believes that they have superior reading comprehension skills simply because they work in the medical field.   – not sorry if that seems harsh!

I am thankful that…

  • the newlyweds are home.
  • my friend Mary is out of the hospital. 
  • that my life has taken some pretty interesting twists and turns. 

From the learning rooms

  • Gabe and Noah are Reading the Scarlet Letter 
  • Spelling program per Dr. Holinga
  • Instacert for History
  • Apologia Science – Physical for Gabe and General for Noah  and Izzy although Gabe and Noah are almost done with their books.
  • Saxon math for all.

From the kitchen…
Pot roast and potatoes with salad.

I am wearing…
black shorts and white T.

I am creating…
the final touches on my classroom today and coming up with a schedule.

I am going…
to get some great walks in with the cross country team this week, and probably some extra workouts as well. It’s kind of hard now that school is back in spring, but I’ll try to work it out.  I also want to work the Divine Office and the Rosary into my prayer life.  I had big plans to go to confession on Saturday and use that as my spiritual reboot – but after standing in line for 20 minutes not moving an inch, I had to give up on that idea.

Funny thing – when the lady who was in the confessional for so long came out, Rosie looked at me with her big brown eyes and said, “She looks like a nice lady.  Wonder why she was in there so long?”

I of course, was mortified that she said that out loud!! and we got out of there right away!

I am reading…
The Writer’s Jungle by Julie Bogart

I am hearing…
the hum of the air conditioner

Video I am Sharing
My son Sam. 

Gooseberry Patch - Celebrating 20 Years of Homestyle Cookbooks

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