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Outside my window

Really cool picture by Tim Fitzwater via the Ohio Group on Flickr. This is about what it looks like here in this unusual February winter – the plants and everything are still lifeless, brown and gray and yet we have no snow and the temperatures are more or less pretty mild!

I am thinking…
that I am going to bite the bullet and give up Diet Coke for Lent.

There I said it.

If Mr. Pete gives up Mountain Dew too we are going to be a grouchy household going through caffeine withdrawal!  Nonetheless I don’t want to keep spending money for pop and I think I’m finally ready.  If you are supposed to give up something that will truly be a sacrifice – this will be a good one for me!

I am thankful for…
for the season of Lent. I love how we get to have this experience of 40 days of meditation, introspection and penance and I can’t for the life of me figure out why other Christian Denominations ever thought it was a good idea to give it up!

I am also grateful for my two nieces, Natalie and Mallory. I spent four hours working the Chinese Food booth at the International Festival slinging rice and egg rolls and just generally having a good time.  They were fun when they were little kids, but they are a blast as beautiful, intelligent and fun young women. How lucky am I to be their aunt?

From the learning rooms
 Gabe and Noah

  • Theology of the Body Course from Homeschool Connections .
  • Rosetta Stone Latin 2
  • Moby Dick – literature/English
  • Gabe finish Unit 7 in Apologia Physical Science and Noah Chapter 2 General Science. (I should mention that Noah already did the last 8 chapters in General Science so he really is just going back to do the chapters he skipped the first time. 
  • Saxon Math – Algebra I for Gabe, Pre-Algebra for Noah
Gabe Izzy and Noah – Finish French and Indian War and move on to the Revolution.
  • Daily reading exercises and curriculum via Diane Craft
  • Saxon 6/7
  • Anatomy and Physiology Creation Science
  • Pathway Reader and workbook
  • MCP Phonics
  • Saxon math 1

From the kitchen…

I still have quite a bit of General Tsao Chicken from the parish Sanctuary Society International Festival! Chili and Cheese potatoes tonight with a big dinner planned for tomorrow! and then Lenten meals for Wednesday and Friday – to be determined!

I am wearing…
Gray sweat pants, green shirt and hoodie.

I am creating…
pieces to perform – Irish flute on March 10, Lenten performances of flute with vocal music in March.  Also giving my talk to the confirmation candidate girls on Saturday!

I am going…
to get five workouts in this week if it kills me. Got in five in last week and was so thrilled!
Last week I did:

Monday- Wednesday


on Saturday!

I am reading…

I am hoping…
Noah and Gabe get Moby Dick done by next week.  They are indeed reading along with Libra Vox.

I am hearing…
The math tutor working with Gabe!

Around the house…
I have had a piece of drywall on my front porch for six months.  Mr. Pete bought it and put it there.  I  told him that one way or another, it’s out of there this week!  Same goes for the old car in the driveway by the garage – move em or lose em!!

Picture I am Sharing
Mallory, Natalie and me at the Chinese Booth 2012
My nice nieces and me working the Chinese Booth!

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1 Comment

  1. Great post. Love the photo of you and the nieces. They are lucky to have you as their auntie.

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