Simple Woman

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Outside my window
Beautiful summer day- perfect for the summer solstice

I am thinking…
About our wonderful homeschool graduation last night. All the planning and organizing and coordinating paid off!  The choir was awesome, the prelude music beautiful, Father P. gave a homily that gave me chills! It really was a beautiful ceremony.

Interestingly, I noticed that a few of the moms who gave tribute made mention of the beginning – either pregnancy, or early childhood. My talk started that way too.  Is it because homeschoolers think of the whole process from birth to graduation as one journey? Or is it because we’re moms?  I don’t know but it was an interesting observation.

I am also thinking about my oldest son, Calvin.  Last weekend I had my feelings hurt by some unkind comments from a member of the bridal family.  I was sharing my woes with Calvin and he very patiently and sympathetically listened to me.  A short time later I asked him how he was and how it was going for him. He shared that he had recently been called the scene of a fatality. I guess it was part of the procedure to have EMT come and evaluate whether folks need to be transported to the hospital, or for the medical examiner to come out. So my dear boy had witnessed something pretty horrendous and sad. It certainly put my troubles into perspective. And at the same time I was so proud of the man he has become. I always thought he would be good in these kinds of stressful situations – strong, patient, brave and stoic- not the kind to panic, and very professional.  Still that had to be hard to see and I pray for his continued grace and that God gives him peace when he encounters these difficult things.

I am thankful …
For all my friends in the parish who opened their hearts and gave their time to welcome the homeschoolers in to make a beautiful and memorable graduation ceremony. I was also touched by how many went out of their way for cards and good wishes for Sam.

From the learning rooms
Kind of taking a break. Besides graduation last night, there are swimming lessons this week and next. I might take some time to touch on the Civil War though and I am doing a lot of teacher prep – reading about the right brained child and also taking a writing workshop to help Sam and Gabe in their writing.

From the kitchen…
BBQ chicken and mashed potatoes.

I am wearing…
Black shorts and a gray T-shirt.

I am remembering:
Mama – always. Especially tomorrow on the second anniversary of her death. I made sure to include her memory in Sam’s tribute speech. I miss her so much sometimes it still hurts.

I am creating…
a reception!  Our choir is going on the road and they have a farewell/Good luck! concert this Sunday. So Izzy and Noah and I are planning and decorating it.  Izzy will serve punch and Noah will help with the cake, and Rosie will stick with me!  I think it is going to be a very good experience for them, Noah will get the service hours he needs, and we are being of service to the choir that has been so good to our family.  I’m looking forward to it!!
I am going…
to be going on more work/runs with Noah as he prepares to run a 5K at the end of July.  I will do this in addition to my new kettlebell and t he Bob Harper Kettlebell workout.  That is killer! Complete Aerobics with weights and Firm: Calorie Killer  – the trifecta of butt kicking home workouts!  I also got some Kari Anderson VCR workouts from e-Bay.

I am reading…
Book 2 of the Quest for Happiness Series and The Duggars: 20 and Counting!: Raising One of America’s Largest Families–How they Do It – I bought a copy at the Homeschool convention last weekend.

I am hoping…
to be two more pounds down this week and to have a good part of the back yard in order.
I am also hoping that the two weddings and two rehearsals I have to do next weekend go smoothly.

I am hearing…
the buzz in my ears and the humm of my computer.

Around the house…
Finding a place for all the stuff I bought at the homeschool convention and getting some of the stuff I’m not using on E-bay or Cath Swap.

pictures I am sharing:  
Sam's Graduation Mass 2011 017

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  1. Sounds like exciting times for you and your family! Be blessed and enjoy!

  2. gotta love those perfect summer days! what a wonderful post and journey ~ and fabulous photo!

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