Gluten-Free living doesn’t feel that difficult anymore … At least not until Lent!
Why is that? Maybe it’s because the go-to proteins of chicken and beef are off-limits at least once a week (which means you can kiss those leftovers … Read the rest
. Marriage, motherhood, music with a side of mirth.
Gluten-Free living doesn’t feel that difficult anymore … At least not until Lent!
Why is that? Maybe it’s because the go-to proteins of chicken and beef are off-limits at least once a week (which means you can kiss those leftovers … Read the rest
My kids always seemed to KNOW when other kids don’t have school and they always balked a little about it. My granddaughter is no different. But I do try to make President’s Day a special event in our homeschool.
It’s … Read the rest
Brigid seems like a natural choice when it comes to saintly celebrations in my own domestic church! Mr. Pete is half Irish, (his mother was Virginia McGuirk!) so all of my children have an Irish heritage. St. Brigid is also … Read the rest
Lots of new homeschooling moms ask this very basic question –
How much time will this take and how can I get it all done?
The answer … Read the rest
It seems that one of the biggest events in confirmation preparation in this country is the letters of support to be given to the confirmation candidates during their mandatory retreats.
I have three such letters saved on this blog:
Throw Back – First published February 25, 2005
It seems everybody is finally recovering from their coughs and colds and I had a really good night’s sleep. I woke up in time to check my e-mail, do some blogging, and … Read the rest
So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and stopped at the door of Elisha’s house. 10 Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will
Today the church celebrates Mary’s fiat – saying yes to God’s messenger to become the Mother of Jesus. Exactly nine months from today is Christmas! So here are some ways to make the … Read the rest
Whoever honors his father atones for sins, and whoever glorifies his mother is like one who lays up treasure. — Sirach 3:3-4
… Read the rest“The Son of God, having the keys of Paradise, has given one to His Immaculate Mother and the
Deposit Photo
My baby has been commuting to college for the past two years. She has a lot of friends, a new boyfriend, and many social activities in addition to her studies. It’s not uncommon for … Read the rest
Back in 2005, I posted 40 Ways to Improve Your Lenten Experience from Karen Marie Knapp’s blog at From the Anchor Hold. She posted it on February 26, 2006 from the Catholic Herald. I’m dividing it into parts with … Read the rest
Many people don’t seem to understand that St. Patrick was really British!- born and raised in Britain around 460 AD, kidnapped by raiders at the age of 16, and then taken to Ireland. There Patrick worked … Read the rest
My first full week of Lenten practice has been up and down. For example, based on a suggestion from Mother Angelica years ago, I am limiting myself to only drinking water in the afternoon. But on my very busy Wednesday … Read the rest
Father Lawrence Lew, OP via Flickr, licensed cc.
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When looking for brave and courageous young women saints for girls to emulate, one doesn’t need to go much … Read the rest
The penitential season of Lent is the period of forty weekdays beginning on Ash Wednesday. Are you ready? Here is a brief explanation of what Lent is, and some links that I think will help you prepare and live the … Read the rest